Happy Mother’s Day!

Someone asked me recently what would be the best Mother’s Day gift I could receive. I only had one answer. I just want my prodigals home.  Today, thousands of mothers pray for the same answer. Thick picture albums sprawled across the floor of their children from birth into the growing years. They laugh, they cry,…

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God’s Plans are Filled with Hope

I often think of Mary, mother of Jesus, on Good Friday. I can only imagine the heavy sorrow she bore as she laid her eyes upon Jesus on the cross. When that was not enough, she again would look upon His body for the last time as He was placed in the tomb.  Oh, how…

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Who Gives The Next Heartbeat? Who Gives the Next Breath?

Today’s parent suffers from anxiety and fear, the two biggest enemies which paralyzes a parent’s faith when their child is in crisis. A child has run away. A daughter was just incarcerated. A son is laying in the hospital from an addiction. Crises continue to wreak havoc on parents in today’s world and these crises…

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Pray. Wait. Trust.

PRAY. WAIT. TRUST. Three words. Words which make you stop, think, and meditate on when all you have left is your child in crisis.   I used to have an ideology when a child reaches a certain age, they grow up and figure out their problems or the problems fade away.  Boy, was I wrong. In…

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Happy Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is the most celebrated holiday of the year. Social media is flooded with pictures of happy mothers and their children as well as husbands telling their wives how wonderful she is as a mother.  What you do not see are the broken-hearted mothers who are grieving privately in their homes, at work, and…

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Emotionally Wrecked

Your chest is tightened, your stress is through the roof and you fear that if you let one tear out, you will fall apart.  You say to yourself, “I don’t know how much more I can take before I lose it.” Does this sound familiar? Parents across the globe are already overwhelmed by world events…

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Why Won’t God Heal My Broken Child?

The diagnosis was finally revealed! A five-hour test which God set up for all of our questions to be answered. Years of prayer, waiting, and wondering. We now know. Like many parents, I prayed a lot over my child.  My daughter was dealing with so many issues and felt many times broken and defeated.  As…

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Letting Go of 2021 and Moving Forward in 2022

She got that dreaded call that no parent wants. Her child chose to make an attempt in taking their life during the holidays.  Her heart was broken.  What would cause a child to think so less of themselves that the only way to relieve that pain was to leave this world?   The father was furious. …

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The Miracle We All Need

They drag themselves into the attic or basement, pulling out their seasonal treasures to celebrate Christmas.  They sometimes wish there wasn’t a holiday to think about.  Yet, they hang onto the smallest thread of hope that a miracle will come for their family.    So, what is the miracle that so many parents long for?  Some…

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5 Reasons to Be Thankful This Season

Parents of teens and young adults in crisis dread the holidays.  Let me repeat that again. Parents of teens and young adults in crisis DREAD the holidays.  I’ll be the first to raise my hand and say, “Truth!” to that statement.  How do I know? I have lived it for years.   Even despite those very…

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