How Teens are Practicing for Divorce

The points in this blog are right on! I am already seeing a major turn in our teenagers in how they deal with relationships and it is not good. Thank you BackwardParentingByBrita for sharing your heart. Fellow bloggers, take a read and let me know your thoughts on this topic.

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Letter to His Divorced Parents

Divorce brings more emotional damage than the loss of a parent through death.  Parents think that if they give enough love to their child or teen, that it will solve any or all future problems.  False.  Please view this video for a reality check.  What this young boy shares is what most teens feel. [youtube=]

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At Age 6, Suicide Was His Only Option

On June 3rd of 2013, an angry little 6 yr. old boy from Idaho took off his belt, tied it around the handle of the freezer and hung himself. This was not his first attempt at suicide. Sad to say, this time it was his last because he succeeded. Although he might not have understood…

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Looking for Daddy

He walked into my office and posed a question to me.  “What is more important?  Do I sacrifice my time with my kids so that I can have love in my life or should I sacrifice having a girlfriend/wife to love and give all my time to my kids?” I was first of all surprised…

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