Letting Go of 2021 and Moving Forward in 2022

She got that dreaded call that no parent wants. Her child chose to make an attempt in taking their life during the holidays. Her heart was broken. What would cause a child to think so less of themselves that the only way to relieve that pain was to leave this world?
The father was furious. After another night of drinking, his son crashed the car and doesn’t think he needs to be responsible for the damage. Instead, the son blames it on others and expects his parents to pay for it all.
A parent is lost for words. Their child has been abusive towards the siblings and must be taken out of the home. Multiple programs and counselors have not helped. They must protect their other children now. How much more can they take?
Moms and Dads across the globe have experienced drama, trauma, disappointment, anger, fear, and worry. Their lives have been turned upside down and they have been left discouraged and hopeless. 2021 was the worst for them. All they want is a fresh start and pray that it will be better than the year before.
How in the world can they do this? They hope, pray, and cross their fingers that something good will come in the new year of 2022.
Several years ago I was heavyhearted by all of the crises I was dealing with in regards to my daughter. After church, my pastor’s wife was encouraging me and as she was praying, the Lord impressed upon her heart to share His word to me – “You have been in the desert long enough. I will send a new refreshing water to your spirit and you will rise up again with hope and strength.”
This was the only thing shared but it was the BEST thing I needed to hear. My spirit was on the edge of hopelessness for my daughter. I tried everything; counselors, specialists, and the like. I knew that I could not heal her or change things for the better. Only God can. I needed to be in that low place in order for me to acknowledge how much more I needed God and remain faithful despite the circumstances.
Scriptures remind me that God has not and will not forget our hurting child. Yes, the past was difficult, but the future is in God’s hands filled with grace and mercy. His words are not empty and void. They are filled with hope, steadfastness, grace, peace, and promises. Rely on them. Drench yourself in them. Write them on the walls of your heart and into your spirit. God’s Words are a refreshing waterfall to our spirits. Soak it in. Surely you will feel God’s presence in the midst of your stormy trial.
We may not understand God’s ways but then again, as you read the scriptures and Biblical accounts, there were many unusual ways that God worked miracles. Your job is to just trust in His plan.
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 23:18
For nothing will be impossible with God. Luke 1:37
And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. I Peter 5:10
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
For a fresh start over in your own life, here are some New Year Resolutions that will guide and strengthen you in your journey as a parent of a troubled teen/young adult.
- Write postcard scriptures around your house to encourage and uplift you every day.
- Resources, resources, resources – keep looking!
- A new counselor, mentor, or prayer partner
- A new outlook on life (speaking forth more positives than negatives)
- A new faith (trusting in God in ALL circumstances and building up your core foundation
- Improve your Mind – mentally, spiritually, emotionally (Word, Praise/Worship, and Prayer)
- Meet a new friend (Branch out to others who are like minded with your struggles and can pray with and for you)
- Better oneself – Learn how to take time for yourself and put yourself first
- A new diet – eat healthier to give you strength and clarity
- Go on a retreat! (take a nap, a vacation, a day off)
- Be Thankful – In all things. God is not finished with His plan for your child. So thank Him in the good and the bad. He works all things together for the good of your child.
So as you move forward into the New Year, take heart my friend, God is STILL the moving business of miracles and promises.