Porn In The Classroom

Porn In The Classroom - Anchor Of Promise
Showing eleven and twelve year-old’s how to use a sex toy is educational? Although this might have been an isolated case in Florida, what is happening all across America are the cases of porn being allowed for your kids to read. Since the implementation of the Common Core Standards, more and more parents as well as teachers are realizing the harm that is being introduced in the classroom through a very exploitative way.

Although you don’t hear cases in which a sex-ed teacher lays on top of her desk and gives a demonstration of a sex toy’s use (which happened recently in one Florida classroom), what is seducing your pre-teen and early teens are the required porn books that are mandated for your child to read.

Some book examples given:

The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison: extremely explicit sex scenes describing incest, rape, and pedophilia. In the Arts.Mic site article, Toni Morrison was quoted as saying “I want the reader to feel as though they are a ‘co-conspirator’ with the rapist. She took pains to make sure she never portrayed the actions as wrong in order to show how everyone has their own problems. She even goes as far as to describe the pedophilia, rape, and incest ‘friendly,’ ‘innocent,’ and ‘tender.’

Example of one page – Page 181: “The little girls are the only things I’ll miss. Do you know that when I touched their sturdy little t*** and bit them—just a little—I felt I was being friendly?—If I’d been hurting them, would they have come back? . . . they’d eat ice cream with their legs open while I played with them. It was like a party.”

The site Education News highlighted the issues about a book called, “Monster” by Walter Dean Myers. The book includes a description of a homosexual gang rape and the use of a butt plug. They further stated that In New York, a Common Core education portal was encouraging teens to visit a pornographic sex survey site where they are asked if they want to participate in a threesome or a gang-bang, among other acts.

In the meantime, the issue of porn affecting children is skyrocketing. I have written on this topic before but it needs to come out to the forefront because many of you place your children in the hands of schools that are brainwashing our children into thinking that porn is healthy, pedophiles are nice people and the more sex you have the better you will feel about yourself.

Then we all wonder why pre-teens and teens are hooking up with porn sites and sexting like never before. I bring up this subject because many times parents are just not in the know of what is being taught, what is being learned, and what their teen has been exposed to. If we sit back and do nothing, we are just as much to blame as any educational system teaching this. The ultimate responsibility remains with us.

As a homeschooler as well as once a mom with a teen in the public school, I made sure to always be aware of what was being taught. Because of wanting my teens to think for themselves, I also made it a point for them to learn early on about the traps and misguidance from adults out in the world. I cannot protect them 24/7. Honestly, when they reach a certain age they need to make more informed decisions of their own. However, I will make sure to give them a grounded foundation of what is acceptable and what is not. It is called moral values with which our country seems to be losing.

To make my point, I think most parents would agree that the school systems has diverted its attention from the basics of learning math and language to the political correctness of what is okay and not okay as well as promoting a sexual revolution that is too mature for our young kids. The fact that this one classroom teacher was demonstrating how to use a sex toy to kids that are 11-12 years of age should be a prime example. The substitute teacher complained that there was discrimination after she was removed from the class. She cared more about herself than the issue at hand and the effects of this exposure at too young of an age.

Long gone are the normal teachings of what reproduction is or how our body works. This isn’t a health class anymore. It has become a porn class on “How To’” using sex toys, accepting rape as rough sex and feeling bad about the molester.  When will it stop?

Florida Teacher’s Shocking Demonstration

So, let me just list a few things on how porn affects your teens.

1. Overstimulation on a child’s brain which can lead to sexual promiscuities.
2. Broken marriages as they age (infidelity and distortion of sexual intimacy)
3. Child Pornography and Pedophilia
4. Desensitization in young children and teens into adulthood
5. Porn Addictions
6. Sexual Violence
7. Body Images and Self-Esteem Issues
8. Prostitution
9. Sexual Diseases

This list only serves to make you aware of what could happen. However, if you are a pro-active parent who actively communicates with your teens and they understand the long lasting effects from materials such as this, you have already won the battle against it. In this day and age, we must do whatever is necessary to protect our children, pre-teen and teen.

Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned.

II Peter 2:2

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  1. secretangel on September 25, 2014 at 1:23 am

    This is horrible! I did not know that this was happening in our schools. Thanks for sharing and opening eyes to this travesty!

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