50 Shades – What It Teaches to Young Teens

50 Shades - What It Teaches Young Teens - Anchor Of Promise

In the news of late is the huge publicity of the movie “50 Shades” which centers on the storyline of the controversial book. The movie, due to its graphic story plot and scenes, easily merits an “NC17” but was slated for an “R” rating.

However, what is more concerning about this movie is the after-affect that it will have among the young of both sexes.

Sadly, many teens and young adults get their sex education from porn. This movie is just another perspective but normalizing and romanticizing abuse in a bigger way – through the theater.

If we do not talk to our teens, as difficult as it may be to parents, then expect more of the 50 Shades type of movie to not only to continue that education them but further twist and distort the truth about real love.

If we do not use teachable moments with our pre-teens/teenagers about how porn and stories like this can destroy marriages and families, it will lead down the path of destructive and abusive relationships.

So keeping that in mind, I decided to write my own “50 Shades – What It Teaches Young Teens”.

“50 Shades – What It Teaches Young Teens”

#1 Desensitizes the mind that porn and abuse is acceptable

#2 It is okay to be passive and agree with the other person’s decisions even if they are wrong

#3 Be a puppet – allowing others to control your every move

#4 Be dependent ONLY on the other person

#5 Sexual abuse is loving

#6 Porn enhances a girl’s body image

#7 BDSM is sexy

#8 Manipulating the other person in the relationship is normal

#9 Real, compassionate, selfless love is shameful

#10 Bodily upkeep (waxed or shaved) is mandatory to be received by the other person

#11 Certain demands override a person’s respect

#12 Giving permission to be abused is acceptable

#13 Not eating can be used as a control method or coping skill

#14 Self-harm is encouraged and necessary

#15 Independent thinking or creativity is not allowed

#16 Saying “No” means “Yes”

#17 Pedophilia can enhance your relationships

#18 Being put into dangerous situations is a sign of trust

#19 Ask no questions, just follow orders

#20 Participating in Porn is good for marriage

#21 Sex is like a religion

#22 Taking advantage of someone who is weaker is permitted

#23 That every relationship starts with a hook-up

#24 Consent is not necessary

#25 Bribery is a good thing

#26 Being dumb is cute

#27 Women don’t need self-respect

#28 Alcohol is a good enhancer

#29 It’s okay if you are not smart

#30 Being coerced is normal

#31 Only have eyes for the one you love – all other relationships (friends/family) are not allowed

#32 Getting out of an abusive relationship will never happen

#33 Stalking is a symptom of love

#34 You can only be happy if you are in a relationship

#35 It’s sexy to be prey to a man

#36 Stereotyping women and men as abnormal if not involved in BDSM

#37 Multiple partners is normal and acceptable

#38 What a woman gives sexually overrides her importance of personality and character

#39 Domestic violence is normalized and romantic

#40 A girl has no rights over her body sexually

#41 Friends are not important or necessary

#42 All relationships are seen as dominant male and passive female

#43 Real women don’t end up in domestic abuse shelters or dead

#44 negative messages about eating

#45 Punishment is sometimes required in a relationship

#46 Using BDSM is being more experienced in sex

#47 Giving expensive gifts is permissible to buy someone’s love and trust

#48 Falling in love with disturbed people is a way to rescue them

#49 Hurting you is their way of saying, “I love you.”

#50 Power over someone else is necessary

What Real Love Is

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

I Corinthians 13:4-8 (NIV)

Image Courtesy of Gubgib – freedigitalphotos.net

No Comments

  1. vandenbergtx on February 12, 2015 at 12:55 pm

    Thanks for taking time to make that pretty comprehensive list. I blogged about my thoughts on the movie recently as well. Feel free to take a look and let me know what you think. https://vandenbergbrian.wordpress.com/2015/02/09/why-this-weekend-maybe-see-spongebob-instead/

  2. songsofintimacy on February 23, 2015 at 9:16 pm

    Awesome list!!! U go girl!
    But I believe It isn’t just to teens but everyone who watches that perverted movie.

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