50 Shades – What It Teaches to Young Teens

In the news of late is the huge publicity of the movie “50 Shades” which centers on the storyline of the controversial book. The movie, due to its graphic story plot and scenes, easily merits an “NC17” but was slated for an “R” rating. However, what is more concerning about this movie is the after-affect…

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Do you shave your legs?

“Do you shave your legs?” he asked. “No.” she replied. “Then you need to because you’re looking like a hairy monkey!” he responded. That one comment started her journey into negative body imaging and low self-esteem for the next 5 years. She was only 10 when that comment was made. Little did she know that…

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Is Cutting Becoming the New Anorexia of Today?

  Cutting.  It is one of the fastest  growing self-harm issues of today among teens.  Many parents assume that it only happens among girls which is true to an extent, but as you look at the alarming statistics, boys also self-harm and are not too far behind. Studies show that cutting can start as young…

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