Why Setting Aladdin Free is Wrong

Why Setting Aladdin Free is Wrong - Anchor Of Promise

I have been really shocked and appalled at the media and Hollywood for making statements such as “Aladdin, you are now free!” after the death of Robin Williams.

This statement sends a very wrong message to our struggling teens who are in crisis.  When in despair, such wording as this gives them permission to kill themselves in order to be set free.  Instead, those accountable for this message should have responded with help support lines for those in crisis.  But unfortunately they did not do the responsible thing.

If we don’t want our children and teens to follow in Robin’s footsteps then we need to take a step up and get them the help they need.  If we can offer AA buddies for accountability and encouragement and help, we should also be able to provide that same kind of support for our teens.  Not a pass that says you can kill yourself and everyone is okay with it.

Parents we need to do everything we can to give support for those hurting and distraught in their depression.  Yes, it takes hard work, but when working together, there is a bigger chance of survival and hope.

Get involved in support groups and your church.  Find a mentor that can really be encouraging and has some wisdom in this area.  You would be surprised how many adults have survived depression and they want so much to help their younger generation.

With God’s help and others praying and offering their support in many different ways (medically, mentally and spiritually), you would be amazed at the healing process.

So  let’s find answers, not cause more to take their lives.

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

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  1. asha on September 14, 2014 at 8:59 pm

    Reblogged this on M.A.S.H and commented:
    wise words thank you x

  2. secretangel on September 14, 2014 at 9:06 pm

    I totally agree with you. Hollywood continues to “glamorize” too many wrongs. We need God’s help to overcome medically, mentally, physically, and spiritually… not suicide which is not God’s plan for any. Thanks for sharing.

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