Thank you for supporting Anchor Of Promise!

Thank You For Supporting Anchor Of Promise! - Anchor Of Promise


This past year I have gained many new blogging and fan page friends with encouraging words that have been so supportive.  That in turn, has encouraged me to continue to share hope to hurting parents with hurting teens.

As I continue this journey that was started a year ago, I pray that God will impart new wisdom, knowledge, and clarity in my life.  I also plan to touch on more tough topics that affect the family and how we can bring restoration in a broken home with God’s help.

Without your support, I would not be where I am today sharing from my heart.  My prayer is that whatever is written through this blog will somehow and in some way give healing, shine light in the darkness, and make you stronger and more equipped to rebuild your family.

Thank you for 2014!  In closing, I leave you with this word of affirmation for the New Year as parents ~

“…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  Isaiah 40:31

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