Did you know a caterpillar eats itself?

What I have learned in raising teens is that pain often brings something beautiful to the surface. The pain itself can be ugly. It can last for a long time. It can bring much suffering and torment. But when they have reached the other side, there is a release and freedom that is wonderful and…

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Who Am I and Where Do I Belong? An Identity Crisis!

Walking down the corridors of the mall on a Friday night felt more like skipping a few seasons and landing on Halloween. All around me were teens dressed in Scene, Punk, Emo and Goth. Now most parents know what Punk and Goth are, but very few understand the world of Scene and Emo. Years ago,…

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The Seduction of Porn on Our Kids

Did you know that the average age for a child to view porn for the first time is age 11? We use to believe it was only targeted for the male adults. Not anymore. Some teens accidentally get exposed to it. For example, when I got my daughter her first phone which was an android…

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I’m Mature Enough!

Oh those dreaded words. Why on earth did I encourage my teens by telling them how mature they have gotten? What was I thinking? Oh yes, we as parents want to encourage our teens and letting them know how they have grown and matured, however, those words will backfire on you one day. Teens today…

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Is Cutting Becoming the New Anorexia of Today?

  Cutting.  It is one of the fastest  growing self-harm issues of today among teens.  Many parents assume that it only happens among girls which is true to an extent, but as you look at the alarming statistics, boys also self-harm and are not too far behind. Studies show that cutting can start as young…

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