Relational Aggressiveness In Our Children

We have always known that two is company and three’s a crowd when we were growing up, but little did we know that today, children’s aggression towards others has escalated using bribery and threats as young as two and a half years of age. Pain and agony of the pre-teen years in which I viewed…

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At Age 6, Suicide Was His Only Option

On June 3rd of 2013, an angry little 6 yr. old boy from Idaho took off his belt, tied it around the handle of the freezer and hung himself. This was not his first attempt at suicide. Sad to say, this time it was his last because he succeeded. Although he might not have understood…

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The Seduction of Porn on Our Kids

Did you know that the average age for a child to view porn for the first time is age 11? We use to believe it was only targeted for the male adults. Not anymore. Some teens accidentally get exposed to it. For example, when I got my daughter her first phone which was an android…

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You didn’t say that right!

I asked my daughters the other day if I have ever said anything to them to make them feel inferior, stupid, insecure, dumb or worthless.  Thankfully their answer was no.  However, I cannot same the same for other teens that I know.  The words of their parents didn’t fall on deaf ears but listening ones. …

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