Have You Let Porn Into Your Home?

Please Don't Give Them Porn For Christmas - Anchor Of Promise

Tim Challies has written a great article Please Don’t Give Them Porn For Christmas regarding how easy it is for porn to be welcomed into your home and into your kids/teens lives.  I have discussed this lightly in one of my other posts, but because Christmas is only days away, one of the biggest challenges we as parents face is the ease and ability with technology that our children have at their fingertips.

We buy gifts such as phones, laptops, ipads, etc… not even thinking that we just handed our kids the key to view porn.  When I got my teen her own phone one year, I was shocked at the amount of porn apps available to see.  She didn’t even have to click the app and there it was in full view – half clothed men and women in very seductive porn poses.

The porn industry has gotten so good in pushing porn among our kids that they now make available to purchase apps to actually hide the porn app that they are using so that no parent can find out.  We must be vigilant in protecting your kids/teens from this since the average age of seeing porn for the first time ranges anywhere from 9-13.  I would encourage you to not only read Tim Challies’ article but also look into the program called Covenant Eyes that helps protect the family from the porn world.  I have personally used Covenant Eyes and it is great.  He provides that information as well on his blog.

So the next time you make a purchase, learn as much as you can about how to block apps from being used on any device you give to your child.

Used By Permission: Tim Challies


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  1. Bijee on January 15, 2015 at 10:03 pm

    Wow! Is all i can say. I have a block on app purchases without my approval on my daughters new ipad, but inwas thinking more from social media (as she is only 11 and not ready) more than anything. Porn hadnt even crossed my mind!

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