Do You Know the Drug of Choice Among Teens Today?

Do You Know the Drug Choice Among Teens Today - Anchor Of Promise


Each year, month, and even week, a new drug is on the streets or should I say in the hands of teens.  With the passing of laws to allow marijuana in the states, it has only fueled other drugs to become more prevalent among our teens.

With interest, I googled the current drug trends among our teens and realized that I had been out of the loop in educating myself and I’m sure other parents too.

The Partnership For Drug-Free Kids –  Drug Trends of Today Among Teens , educates you about these new drugs and how to be ahead of the game in combatting them.  Our worst fears years ago – marijuana.  Although today it is considered a mild form of drug use compared to the hard core drugs such as cocaine, meth or the high rise of opioid use today, it is a drug nonetheless and dangerous (even moreso when laced, used with alcohol, and mixed with other drugs).  Since the passage of the usage of marijuana, there have been record numbers of overdoses among hospitals.

Are you really prepared as a parent to know what to look for when it comes to drugs and your teen?  If you already have a child in crisis with an addiction, it is even more imperative to be connected with a support group, counselor or rehab.  They can teach you what to look for and how to battle it. Christian Rehabs

There are also great resources and tools that can be found on the internet, through friends, support groups, counselors, and even the Church.  TEEN CHALLENGE continues to have a high rate of successful stories within their program for many teens to young adults.

To look at things with our own eyes instead of God’s, it is easy to feel defeated with this battle against drugs.  All we see and know are the vast army of drug lords, addicts, and drug pimps who look to steal, kill, and destroy.  John 10:10 – The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.  Our God is strong and mighty and He will do all of the fighting for us.  It is HIS battle.  We just need to be steadfast on our part by being educated, not enabling, showing tough love, and spending time on our knees in prayer.

This is what the LORD says to you:

“Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army.

For the battle is not yours, but God’s.”

2 Chronicles 20:15




Photography Credit goes to Jens Johnsson from Unsplash

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