Do All Lives Really Matter? No.

Do All Lives Really Matter? No! - Anchor Of Promise
In the past year we all have seen and read debates and movements regarding whose lives really matter. I have come to my own conclusion. Not all lives matter.

I personally have compassion to many groups of ethnicity and color as well as respect. HOWEVER, I have absolutely no respect or tolerance for other groups. Who are they?

1. Sex-Trade/Human Traffickers – Men and women who kidnap and sell others for profit, especially children into the sex trade and human trafficking industry. This is a world-wide problem.

2. Drug Dealers. They make thousands in selling as well as distributing for free, drugs such as heroin, despite the fact that these drugs are lethal to young adults, teens, and children. More and more each day we are seeing photos or hearing of heroin overdoses affecting families of all ages.

3. Pedophiles – They are self-gratifying people who abuse children to satisfy their own needs at any cost. They also have encouraged those in the Psychiatric community to classify them as having a different sexual orientation –  The Rights of Pedophiles

4. Porn Advocates – Those who do not stop at just degrading women, but now want porn involving teens, children, and yes, even babies. They have also brainwashed teens to photograph young children and their peers and make it acceptable – Children producing Porn

5. Rapists – Who lure innocent victims into security and take advantage or to violently take them against their will or knowledge.

6. Abusers – Those who choose to mentally, emotionally, and physically harm another human being to have control.

These are just a few on my list. Sadly, they are found everywhere. In fact, they are not just in our country but around the world. They affect every teen, child and baby and essentially every family. So when I asked if all lives really matter, those in the list above would say no because they don’t care. However, to God and to the rest of us, the lives of their victims truly matter. It goes beyond ethnicity, age, race or color.

As parents, it is often scary and worrisome for our children, especially our teens who are in crisis. They are more susceptible to the groups above when they are hurting and in pain mentally and emotionally. They are looking for something to make them feel free and to heal. Instead, they become entrapped by those who know how to manipulate and snare our precious ones who are weak.

As my children have become adults, I don’t have to tell them about what is going on in this world. They can see it for themselves. But I still want to protect them. And when I can’t, I ask the only one who can and loves them more than me – God. I also have to trust God that He will bring judgment over the ones who victimize others. Because honestly, many will get away with their actions for now and never see the inside of a jail cell.

So, do all lives matter? To God, yes! He cares even for the ones who do wrong. I cannot even begin to understand or comprehend how God thinks or rules when it comes to those who purposely hurt others. However, He gives room for them to repent of their ways and make right to those whom they have done wrong.   What is apparent is that their choices and decisions to do wrong sadden God’s heart as well as angers Him. One day they will have to answer before God for all that they have done.

As for our children, I seek God’s protection and healing for them. And I also ask God to show my children that they TRULY DO MATTER!

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  1. on October 10, 2016 at 9:03 pm

    AMEN to this. Well said Stacy. <3

  2. beholdthyhandmaid on October 11, 2016 at 9:06 pm

    There will be a terrible reckoning day where all these people will be called to give account of their terrible sin! Knowing that all sin comes out of the heart, it reminds me of the purifying power of the Word of God…may our minds and children’s minds be flooded with the Scriptures so that our hearts will not be lead down the same sinful path. Great post..thanks!

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