Posts by stacy
Slamming Her Head In Fear
Slamming her head into the floor over and over with hysterical crying, the helper in the toddler room frantically looked for me to come get her. It was only minutes beforehand that I had dropped her off to the class before entering the sanctuary for church. I had not thought of what repercussions there would…
Read MoreSome Secrets Should Never Be Kept
I would like to promote a new book by Jayneen Sanders called, “Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept”. The author saw a special need for many children and parents who did not have available a good teaching tool on self-protection as well as learn how to speak up and against sexual abuse. This book can…
Read MoreSheltered into Rebellion
In my years as a parent of teens, I have met many wonderful parents along the way who truly love their children. However, I have also met loving parents who based their parenting style on fear of the outside world or what they perceive as bad, having chosen instead to shelter their children. As loving…
Read MoreMilestones: Bridging the Gaps
This is a very powerful story of overcoming the odds and still be in the healing process. Foster Children suffer from so much loss, hurt, pain, shame and more. We can change this! Please look into foster care and change a child’s life. If I had not adopted my two girls from an orphanage, they…
Read MoreDid you know a caterpillar eats itself?
What I have learned in raising teens is that pain often brings something beautiful to the surface. The pain itself can be ugly. It can last for a long time. It can bring much suffering and torment. But when they have reached the other side, there is a release and freedom that is wonderful and…
Read More“It Seemed Necessary” to Kill Her Friend
On Saturday, May 31st, two 12-year-olds attempted to kill their best friend in a wooded park. By a miracle, this young friend who was stabbed 19 times was able to crawl to a road and retrieve help. One of those stab wounds nearly missed her heart. Many would ask, “Why?” To answer this question, they…
Read MoreWho Am I and Where Do I Belong? An Identity Crisis!
Walking down the corridors of the mall on a Friday night felt more like skipping a few seasons and landing on Halloween. All around me were teens dressed in Scene, Punk, Emo and Goth. Now most parents know what Punk and Goth are, but very few understand the world of Scene and Emo. Years ago,…
Read MoreRelational Aggressiveness In Our Children
We have always known that two is company and three’s a crowd when we were growing up, but little did we know that today, children’s aggression towards others has escalated using bribery and threats as young as two and a half years of age. Pain and agony of the pre-teen years in which I viewed…
Read MoreReasons That People Have Given For Why They Self Harm
Reasons why young people and children self-harm. An excellent article and must-read. Please take the time to inform yourself and share with others who may be know someone who self-harms.
Read MorePorn before puberty…
Powerful article for all parents to read and see! Don’t be blind to what your kids are doing. Talk to your teens about this subject. If they aren’t afraid of what they are doing, then you shouldn’t be afraid of talking about it.
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