Posts by stacy
Read MoreA Few Helpful Resources on Suicide for Families
I cannot begin to comprehend or feel the loss of losing a loved one from suicide. I am thankful for Hope For Hurting Parents Resources in which they can help you in so many ways in dealing with that loss and find healing from your pain and help guide you through your difficult journey.
Read MorePorn In The Classroom
Showing eleven and twelve year-old’s how to use a sex toy is educational? Although this might have been an isolated case in Florida, what is happening all across America are the cases of porn being allowed for your kids to read. Since the implementation of the Common Core Standards, more and more parents as well…
Read MoreWake Up! Your Teen Is Trying To Tell You Something!
The above quote was by my daughter in the height of her depression and suicidal tendencies. As a parent, it was difficult to hear but also eye-opening at the same time. What she shared is very true to how teens feel. This month all across the nation is focusing on the awareness of suicide. It…
Read MoreHow Teens are Practicing for Divorce
The points in this blog are right on! I am already seeing a major turn in our teenagers in how they deal with relationships and it is not good. Thank you BackwardParentingByBrita for sharing your heart. Fellow bloggers, take a read and let me know your thoughts on this topic.
Read MoreShe Thought They Were Just Being Nice
Foster teens who have been in crisis after crisis have a very difficult time adapting and feeling loved. Generally, they are more exposed to lifelong attachment issues than other teens. This is the story of one young lady who has been broken many times and how the foster family wanted her to know how valuable…
Read MoreA Resource on Suicide for Parents
An honest review on a book to help parents understand the dynamics of suicide. It is a topic that none of us should put aside. Thank you to my friends Hope For Hurting Parents for sharing this information.
Read MoreA Teen’s Life Story of Depression, Anxiety and Self-Harm
Telling her own personal story as a teen and what her mom was faced with, Adria shares what it was like being faced with the fact that her depression and anxiety as well as self-harm was leading her to a road of destruction. Her mom was left with little alternatives other than to put Adria…
Read MoreThe Silent Danger
If you think your pre-teen or teen is safe against pedophiles on the internet, think again. Although they will use the computer to get to your child, they can also use texting and cam on their cell phone or have communication through the local library. It only takes one click. One picture. Pre-teens and teens…
Read MoreA Secret Safe to Tell
Naomi Hunter wrote a gentle and effective way to help children and teens talk about sexual abuse. Parents, Teachers, Psychologists, and more give high praises for her book that was colorfully written to help expose this very difficult topic to discuss. It is her first children’s story book and has been featured on, ABC,…
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