Posts by stacy
God, Medicine and Mental Illness
Many parents who seek help for their teen who are in crisis, struggle with decisions on how to resolve that teen’s mental anguish. For those who have a strong faith in God, they can sometimes feel torn. It can be a difficult choice on whether they should just rely on God through prayer or go…
Read MoreThank you for supporting Anchor Of Promise!
This past year I have gained many new blogging and fan page friends with encouraging words that have been so supportive. That in turn, has encouraged me to continue to share hope to hurting parents with hurting teens. As I continue this journey that was started a year ago, I pray that God will…
Read MoreGood Teens Turned Drug Addicts
It can happen in any home, to your son or daughter. This is a great testimony of one young girl’s life stolen by drugs and given life again to help others. If you have a teen who is a drug addict, there is help, there is hope!
Read MoreEating Disorders: A Perfect Illusion
From a courageous young woman who has a secret to tell. Not just to her family, but to all parents. Your teen may be in this same position. Truth is the only freedom that will lift the heavy burdens a family carries. I am proud of this friend that she is trying hard to take…
Read MoreI Don’t Love My Child Anymore She Said – Or Does She?
When parents with teens in crisis get overwhelmed with no hope, they start a process within them to protect their heart. It is called, “Detachment”. For many parents, this is not something willingly expressed but instead suppressed. If you think about it, how many moms and dads with teens in crisis are willing to openly…
Read MoreHave You Let Porn Into Your Home?
Tim Challies has written a great article Please Don’t Give Them Porn For Christmas regarding how easy it is for porn to be welcomed into your home and into your kids/teens lives. I have discussed this lightly in one of my other posts, but because Christmas is only days away, one of the biggest challenges…
Read MorePerfect Books For Parents in Pain to Give Themselves for Christmas
I cannot emphasize the importance of having Godly resources by your side when you are going through a difficult time in parenting your teen or young adult. These books are like treasures. Please take the time to read through this list and give yourself a present by purchasing one, two or more. I guarantee they…
Read MoreShelley’s Story – One That You Won’t Forget
I recently posted the story of the teen daughter who wrote a letter to her father about his choices of viewing porn and how it affected her and destroyed their family. That post received a lot of views. So that in essence speaks volumes that porn is a serious issue in today’s family. As a…
Read MoreWith A Heavy Heart We Push Forward
This past week I was blindsided. It was supposed to be a joyous occasion but it quickly turned into a time of speechlessness, shock, and a heavy spirit. The fact is, when you have teens and young adult children, they are bound to do something that rips at your heart. It makes you realize that…
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