Letting Go of 2021 and Moving Forward in 2022

She got that dreaded call that no parent wants. Her child chose to make an attempt in taking their life during the holidays.  Her heart was broken.  What would cause a child to think so less of themselves that the only way to relieve that pain was to leave this world?   The father was furious. …

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The Miracle We All Need

They drag themselves into the attic or basement, pulling out their seasonal treasures to celebrate Christmas.  They sometimes wish there wasn’t a holiday to think about.  Yet, they hang onto the smallest thread of hope that a miracle will come for their family.    So, what is the miracle that so many parents long for?  Some…

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5 Reasons to Be Thankful This Season

Parents of teens and young adults in crisis dread the holidays.  Let me repeat that again. Parents of teens and young adults in crisis DREAD the holidays.  I’ll be the first to raise my hand and say, “Truth!” to that statement.  How do I know? I have lived it for years.   Even despite those very…

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Are you tired? Are you weary from your storms? Are you emotionally drowning in your trials? Do you wonder when it will be over? Will God’s promises be delivered to your family? God’s Word will never change. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He has not left us or our child in crisis.…

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Take a Walk in My Shoes

In the heat of an argument over the choices her son was making, a mother’s defense mechanism arose to support her son. “I’d rather have a gay son than a dead one,” she said. I could certainly see how overwhelmed this mom was and the frustration she felt of others not walking in her shoes…

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Watch Your Attitude!

Anger outburst, tantrums thrown, words spewing out of the mouth!  You can’t believe what is happening.  What an attitude!  Before you know it, no one is looking at the other and in the heat of the moment, things get from bad to ugly.   Now you are thinking, “I can imagine this in my household with…

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Welcome To The New Site!

God is good! I have been working on getting my new site Hope For The Broken Family up and running, but as you know, life gets busy and everything gets put off to the side. There is nothing more than an incentive to kick things into gear as I have quite a few events coming…

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I Didn’t Raise My Kid To Be That Way

Don’t push your God on me! You’re a racist! You are so anti……..! Are these statements ringing true in your home?  Are you being labeled by your teen or young adult because of your faith? Has their ideology and theology changed so much that you don’t recognize what they believe anymore? Welcome to parenting 2021. …

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When Your Child Wants Nothing to do With You

You call, no answer. You text. Silence. Communication has dropped just like your internet signal. You try again and you feel like you just had a deja vu experience.  Let’s face it. Parents across the globe are getting the same response. Teens and young adults are caught up in their own world, coupled with resentment,…

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Oh how her heart must have ached. She lost not just one son but two! Can you imagine having that kind of loss?  Can you imagine a child dying and another forsaking God? In the Old Testament of the Bible, there were quite a few hurting parents. One of them was Eve. 

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