Surviving the Storms of Crisis

Surviving Through the Storms of Crisis - Anchor of Promise

The aftermath of Hurricane Harvey was a devastating blow to the state of Texas.  Although the warnings were there ahead of time, what couldn’t be predicted was the amount of destruction it would cause.

The families in Texas feel lost, depressed, discouraged, and unsure of the future.  For some, it left catastrophic effects and major loss of their property, animals, and even loved ones.

Around the corner now, Hurricane Irma is bearing down in the ocean leading another path to its target, although unknown at the moment.

To control a hurricane is like trying to control an earthquake.  The pre-existing facts are there, but it is too big to stop it.

We can often see the impending crisis with our teen similar to the radar of a hurricane.  To control or stop it is another matter.  We see the signs for example, in our drug addicted child or self-harming teen, but to bring a halt to their destructive behavior is not something we as parents can physically control.  Before we know it, the crisis is beyond our imagination of what we knew to be true.

Not surprising, when you have survived one crisis, another one is usually not too far behind.

So, how can you control or stop a crisis before it happens?  In many cases you can’t.  However, you can prepare yourself for the worst case scenario by having a survival guide: A guide to get you through the storms of parenting a teen or young adult in crisis.

So what would this Survival Guide look like?  Let’s take a look!

  1. List of Emergency Numbers to the places that could help your teen in crisis – Hotlines to Alcohol and Drug Rehabs, Self-Injury Programs, Organizations for those who are suicidal, etc…
  2. A Support Buddy who you trust that knows the dynamics of your child in crisis who can be there for you when that crisis happens. Someone you can call, text, babysit your house, watch your animals, buy groceries for you, pray with you, make phone calls for you, etc…
  3. Contact your Prayer Group at Church or someone you know in the church as a prayer warrior who will step in for you and pray for your child for an amount of time as you go through your crisis or healing process.
  4. Mental Health Professionals – Be in touch with someone who has resources, offers therapy and/or counseling not just for your child but for YOU too!
  5. Make a plan of the best place for your child to go to if you cannot take your child back into your home. Check out programs that deal specifically with your child’s issues.
  6. Set up boundaries so that your teen/young adult know what your expectations are.
  7. Have a heart to heart talk with your spouse/family about the need of letting go of your child (if adult) by asking them to leave if necessary. Having a third party mediator in this talk such as a pastor, therapist, psychologist, program director, etc… is necessary so that you can make some wise decisions and stick to them with accountability and peace of mind.
  8. REST – Take a long walk, stop at your favorite place for coffee, take a midday nap, a long car ride, or take in a movie. Do anything to help bring you relief, comfort, and sanity during a very stressful time. You will be glad you took that opportunity so that you can find ways to cope.
  9. Read and Meditate on the Word of God – This is the only place you will find the strength you need in the midst of your crisis. No other book can compare to the answers you receive through the Bible.  Yes, there are plenty of self-help books and great resources, but the Heavenly Father is the ONLY ONE who can provide for every need and be the only resource that can give you peace, strength, endurance, wisdom, and discernment during this crucial period of your life.
  10. PRAY! Prayer has been the only tool that has helped our family for the last ten years.  Without it I am not sure I would have survived.  The Holy Spirit can minister to you in ways that man cannot.  Jesus said, “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  John 14:25-27 NIV
  11. Use the Scriptures as your power tool  – Insert your child’s name as part of the scripture to use as authority to bring down the strongholds that bind your child to their crisis.

As a word of encouragement, I can tell you this….YOU WILL SURVIVE!  God has not and will not forsake you in the midst of your storm.  He will be there right along with you to comfort and uphold you.  Your child is His.  He already knows that your son or daughter needs help and healing.  God is not without knowledge. So release your child today to the Lord and go before His throne to find healing for yourself amidst the storm of crisis.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” 

Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

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