Oh how her heart must have ached. She lost not just one son but two! Can you imagine having that kind of loss?  Can you imagine a child dying and another forsaking God? In the Old Testament of the Bible, there were quite a few hurting parents. One of them was Eve. 

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Father’s Day – A Journey of Love and Pain

As we all know, Father’s Day is Sunday. Social media is flooded with fathers posting fun-filled happy memories of the past and present with their sons and daughters.  However, not all fathers can rejoice and be glad.  There are many who are hurting, saddened, worried, and worn down by their child’s choices and dangerous behaviors…

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When It Is Difficult To See God In Your Crisis

Imagine yourself on the sea, running into a fog so thick, even with your hand in front of you, it is not in view.  How can you guide yourself across the ocean and make it to your final destination?  Fear runs into your veins as you navigate the waters.  Questions go through your mind. What…

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Hurts That Run Deep

Ouch!  Like the snap of a stretched rubber band that stings when it hits you, that is often the feeling you get when your child in crisis has hurt your heart.  Most hurts are emotional than physical.  Either way, they can both be painful.  Hurts can also have a lasting effect on your relationship between…

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How Do You Handle a Response to Judgment as a Parent?

Parenting is a lifetime of judgment.  Let’s face it, there is no guidebook on parenting when you have a teen or young adult in crisis and we all make mistakes along the way.  I can raise both hands on this and say I made aplenty.    I certainly was not as proactive as I could have…

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10 Parenting Goals for 2021 – Part 2

Find a Counselor – Kids hate counselors. Doesn’t matter their age whether they are a teen to a young adult, they all feel the same way. Why? First and foremost, the fact that the parents have picked them out is part of the reason.  They didn’t have a whole lot of say in the matter…

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10 Parenting Goals for 2021 – Part 1

Find Help!  Resources are aplenty nowadays for hurting parents struggling with a child in crisis (whether it is a teen or young adult). However, the amount of those resources are overwhelming.  Best way to get through it – ask friends and family to help you in your research.  Give them the criteria of what you…

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