The Pro-Anorexia Websites That Are Killing Your Teen

It is hard to believe that there are actually websites that encourage anorexia and bulimia.  Sadly, it is true.  The dangers of these websites influence these eating disorders by chat rooms, support groups, and resources on how to stay ultra thin.  To learn more about this issue, click on the post.

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Pride Goeth Before the Fall of Your Children

Today, many parents rather be prideful, choose denial or keep secrets than consider first the welfare of their teens. I’m not talking about those who would normally feel embarrassed or feel shame about their family’s situation or too scared to talk about it. But I am talking about those who had been offered help from…

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He Said All the Right Things That Changed Her Life

She had a huge crush on the boy. She was only 9 but he was much older. A mere 14 years of age but old enough to know what he was doing. Picking up on the fact that she didn’t feel good about herself, he honed in on her crush and took advantage of it.…

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