He Came for You and Your Child
This past week we received a wonderful blessing. The birth of our grandson. With his birth, came a healing for our daughter in ways that she had not felt before. A healing of restoration, a new life, of saying goodbye to the past.
Today, we celebrate another beautiful blessing. The beginning birth of Christ, who walked on earth as man, and sent to death for us and our child’s iniquities. However, the story does not finish there. He also rose again in full glory, giving freedom from sin, healing for broken hearts, and an eternal home that gives peace, joy, and a future.
Without Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we would have no hope for our children. Today, I am extra thankful for the cross and what Christ did not just for me, but for my children too.
May you be reminded of God’s love for you this Easter!
Photo by Hugues de BUYER-MIMEURE on Unsplash
Thank you, Stacy, for this wonderful reminder that Jesus died for our children as well.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!