Posts by stacy
Satanists Advice for Troubled Teens
She called herself a counselor for troubled teens. At least that is what she stated on her facebook. I had been researching for a specific post that I had planned to write regarding the cult and how hurting teens can be easily lured and influenced to join the dark side. I had never imagined that…
Read MoreA Parent’s Worst Nightmare – Mom, I’m pregnant!
After the shock has worn off and you have picked yourself up off of the floor, you start to dissect what your daughter just announced. “I’m pregnant!” she says. Your first thought is the fact that she is only 15. The next few moments are frozen in time as you try to rationally think of…
Read MoreThe struggles of kids with mental illness in a sexualized culture
Mental illness mixed in with sexual relationships is toxic and dangerous. Dr.Grcevich explains how much these young people truly need to know what real love is, the love of Christ to help them in their struggles and fill the need of wanting to be loved.
Read MoreWhat is the Right Diagnosis?
You have made your appointment with the psychologist or psychiatrist, and you have left with some disturbing news about the mental state of your teen. How do you respond? For some parents, that response doesn’t sit well with them and they are left to wonder if this is in fact the right diagnosis.
Read MoreStop Diagnosing Your Child!
When your teen is in a crisis, there is this overwhelming need to find the answers. Desperation can really wreak havoc when you feel time is at an essence and nothing else you do on your own seems to be working. So when you haven’t reached out to a professional mental health provider…
Read MoreTo the Well-Intentioned but Ignorant Parents of Teenagers.
As most of you know I have done quite a few posts on the dangers of internet. Here is a post by a teacher who knows a lot more than parents of what teens are into. Please take the time to read this very informative post by Emily. Thank you Emily for taking the time…
Read MoreWhen Parents Feel Hopeless at Easter
Yes, holidays are tough. While everyone is happy around you and enjoying their families, you are struggling to just get through the day. But there is hope. Our Heavenly Father has not abandoned you or your child in crisis. He is faithful. He is our hope in our time of crisis. This is a great…
Read MoreThe Hurting Teen and Influence of Music
He was 16 at the time and he was sending songs to my daughter to get her opinion of what she thought. My daughter knows my love of many genres of music and eagerly shared with me to get my opinion as well. Most parents when hearing a song for the first time think to…
Read MoreThe Fledgling
In the last six months in our family, we have been working hard towards independence for our youngest daughter who will be 17 in the summer. Now as a parent, I had been through the bottomless pits of self-harm, suicidal tendencies, depression, self-loathing, identity issues and more with my teen. The last thing I wanted…
Read MoreChildren Producing Porn
My heart is broken. I received information in my email this morning and would encourage you to pray, to pray for our children. There are many parents out there who do not know that their children are producing porn, right from within their own home. I would encourage you to read the whole article in…
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