As you have noticed, I have not been posting on my blog. God has taken me onto a new path for a season and has opened doors for my art business. My art will be linked with my theme of this website. Many of my pieces depict God’s creation – animals from around the world in pastel and how their character is shown by God for us to learn from, even in our suffering. My artwork will be launched in the spring of the New Year starting with a children’s book. Very excited for this opportunity to spread my wings again in the art world after 40 years. I pray that everyone finds hope in Christ during this holiday season which can be most difficult for a hurting broken family. But God!! He is filled with grace, love, and strength for us to lean on in those times. Take hope for Christ was born as a baby for our redemption in this broken world and brings promise and healing for all He loves. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.