Did you know a caterpillar eats itself?

What I have learned in raising teens is that pain often brings something beautiful to the surface. The pain itself can be ugly. It can last for a long time. It can bring much suffering and torment. But when they have reached the other side, there is a release and freedom that is wonderful and…

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Relational Aggressiveness In Our Children

We have always known that two is company and three’s a crowd when we were growing up, but little did we know that today, children’s aggression towards others has escalated using bribery and threats as young as two and a half years of age. Pain and agony of the pre-teen years in which I viewed…

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Why the Non-Parenting Style of Will and Jada Won’t Work?

Will and Jada Smith’s parenting or should I say “non-parenting” since they give total responsibility to their children to rule their lives, has been in the news quite often. As stated by Will Smith in 2013 on E News: “We [Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith] don’t do punishment,” the celeb said in response to when…

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Before Calling A Counselor For Your Teen

Sitting in the office in front of the woman counselor, she was shy and withdrawn. This was her second visit. Her long locks of deep black hair cascading down her shoulders and back helped protect the inner emotions she was feeling. “Why are you wearing a wig?” said the counselor. “You know, the only ones…

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Walking Alone

As a parent of a teen in crisis, you often feel alone and trapped without any help or support.  But surprisingly there are many others walking alone feeling the same way. As a parent of a teen in crisis, many of us like to keep it private or a secret.  For some reason we feel…

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